Some Nightly Encouragement: The Truth About God's Forgiveness
Do you ever feel like you’ll never forgive yourself or be able to move on from this or that sin? You know that God forgives you wholly when you repent and know that He has grace and mercy beyond your wildest imagination, but you still can’t shake feeling bad and guilty? You live in the doubt that you’ll never be able to remove this from your “permanent record” with God? If you can’t forget about it, then how will He ever forget about it? When something reminds you of your mess up (a song, TV show, social media, etc.), you let the lie creep in that God’s grace doesn’t reach that thing you’ve done and that it’s a little too much for Him to forgive? Or you believe you’re forgiven by God but you just can’t shake feeling shameful around your friends and others thinking “if they only knew...”? I’ve been struggling with these feelings, so I wanted to share some truth and encouragement from Psalm 51 that really excites my heart and gives me hope. I came upon the task of reading this psal...