Small Steps of Faith

I have had a calling on my heart to share Jesus in some way for a little while now. I’ve spent a lot of my time over the last few months really digging into my faith and growing in my heart and getting to know Jesus. As I’ve been in this growing (and waiting) season, I have developed more and more of a desire to reach beyond myself. I’m a chemist and not a writer so the idea of writing a blog has been one that I tried to tuck away and convince myself wasn’t where I was being led. However, I remember reading a friends blog in which she said that we all have a story that is worth sharing and that has really stuck in my head for a while.

On a particularly faith forming and life changing night, I was participating in praise and worship in the chapel of the catholic center on my campus. It was young adult night and there was a group from Net Ministries there that was staying at the center. As I was praising my Lord in adoration and sobbing, full of emotions, one of the missionaries nearby opened his bible. He passed it to me and pointed to a verse. It was John 7:37-38… “Jesus said: ‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scriptures has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.’” I spent the remaining time praying these verses and smiling so big. I kept reading it over and over and praying to God “yes, yes, I will do it. Whatever it is, I will do what you are calling me to do. I want living water to flow from within me.” I knew immediately that this night was extremely important in my discernment for my future career, but this verse has started to come alive for me in a way I never expected as I have considered sharing my faith and starting a blog.

After a while of toying with the idea in my head and even typing up some mock posts while led by inspiration from the Holy Spirit, I decided maybe I should proceed forward but was still a little cautious. I posted a verse from Acts I had dug into one morning and a blurb from what I had journaled as a caption of a photo on my personal Instagram page. It was almost like dipping my toe in the water to see how it felt. No commitment but still almost a tiny step forward. Well, this post led to a conversation with a friend of mine from the campus ministry at the university I just graduated from. He shared with me that he had been feeling led to share his faith in some way as well. The conversation we had was almost like God saying, “yeah Emily, that was me putting that on your heart and I’m serious, so get up and just start”. It was like my eyes were opened and I could feel the desire deep inside me. I knew for sure that was what I was being called to do whether I comfortable with the idea or not.

However, like most things in life, we don’t always know exactly what they’re going to look like. The really awesome but daunting thing is that when it comes to God, this really doesn’t matter. It is more important that we are obedient than that we understand all of His plans for us, for we are called to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). We should trust him to move and work once we take the first step. So this is me taking the first step and opening up this opportunity for God to work through me. I’m not sure exactly what this is going to look like or what the content will be but I know He does. I hope that when you read my blog, you don’t hear my voice but instead the voice of Jesus because that is what I feel called to do. I want the world to see the heart of Jesus as I have discovered it which has brought me immense joy.

I pray that you’ll come along for this journey and see the fruit God can create from a small step in faith and how He can work in my life and yours.

See the afformentioned Instagram post at this link: Acts 13:32-33


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